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Forum Posts

Oct 25, 2021
In Express Yourself
Looking for the best live streaming platform to promote your brand and connect with your audience in 2021? We’ve compiled a list of the 12 best live video streaming services worth looking at. Before we dive in, what is a live streaming platform, and what features should a good one have? A live streaming platform is a Live Cricket Streaming, application, or software that allows you to broadcast live videos. When you upload a video to the platform, viewers can watch it in real time. What makes a good live streaming service? At the very least, the service should provide video hosting and video content management tools. It should also provide basic embedding tools, analytics, and monetization. All the platforms on our list also have a social component or are part of a social media platform. This allows other users to follow you or subscribe to your channel so they can get notifications when you’re live.


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